Webinar description

An Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) is a legal document which describes a child/young person’s special educational needs, the support they need and the agreed outcomes. Educational Psychologist, Dr Rachael King, will remind us of some EHCP basics, and outline ways schools can build effective evidence to submit during the application process, and to be confident that they can provide an EP coming to carrying out an EHCP needs assessment with all the useful and necessary information they need, including by the use of Reach2Teach Action for Inclusion Tool - AFIT.

This will ensure a better understanding of need through a collaborative and efficient process, saving the EP and school staff time, helping to support the creation of the best plan for each child/young person.



“Very interesting and well-presented. Easy to follow with relevant content which I intend to use. Thank you ”

“Really interesting webinar and will share the information with with staff”

“Great Webinar - will let the schools I go into know about it”

“Helpful and I will definitely explore AFIT, thank you!”

“Very interesting webinar, thank you very much!”