KINSHIP Family App (£5 incl VAT)
A web APP for Kinship carers and their families that gives immediate and insightful access to recognisable behaviours with hundreds of instant practical approaches / actions to help your child thrive! £5 (incl VAT) or free with Kinship Caring book
Reach2Teach Action for Inclusion Tool (AFIT)
An intuitive, easy to use, evidence-based needs analysis tool. Helps identify learning & relational needs underling a pupil's challenging behaviour or performance. Provides tried & tested successful strategies to enable a pupil to settle t...
Using books in conversations with looked after children
Introducing the power of storytelling to support children to express themselves. Support looked after children reflect on issues that really matter to them
Choosing a different path: thinking about gangs and youth crime
Preview part of an 'unapologetically hard-hitting animation' supporting young people vulnerable to becoming involved with gangs and crime
Building Effective EHCPs with Consultant Educational Psychologist Dr. Rachael King
Helping to support the creation of the best plan for each child/young person, through collaboration whilst saving EP/school staff time and money
What COVID has done to Children & Young People
Life in school post Covid - absenteeism and mental health difficulties - share effective, supportive practice and innovation