Course description

A course if you have a basic understanding of attachment, but you’re not sure how to identify different attachment styles or patterns within your day-to-day work with children and adolescents. Or perhaps you do feel quite confident but you’d like a refresher, or you’re looking for some great training material to introduce to colleagues.

And once you’ve got a sense of a child’s pattern, are you clear about the best way to adapt your own approach to make relationship with him or her? Because, as psychologist Dan Hughes points out, it’s only through providing real relationship - a secure attachment of warmth and stability which they can trust and rely on - that helps children and young people  genuinely engage us, and allow us to influence them. 

This course will also offer you many suggestions across a range of situations, to give you resources as your relationship develops. It will also identify some of the pitfalls, and suggest what you might need by way of support for the journey.  You will have continual access to this course for 12 full months.

All our online courses and APPS are available in bulk, please contact [email protected]


By taking this online course, you will:

  • Enrich your understanding of the four key attachment styles

  • Develop your observation and reflection skills

  • Know what triggers primitive attachment behaviours when times get tough

  • Recognise the importance of trust and know how to increase safety levels

  • Develop your capacity to read what certain patterns of behaviour may be signalling

  • Understand better how certain behaviours overlap between styles

  • Recognise more about your own personal attachment style

  • Learn practical strategies for making relationship with children and young people across the attachment patterns by using an differentiated approach

Free trial

Test your knowledge of different attachment patterns in this free trial sorting activity. Click on the free trial button in the Course curriculum section below.
Free trial


  • Excellent, informative course

    Pippa Parker

    This course has a lot information, the examples and the you-tube clips really supported its delivery. The course was delivered at the rate of your own knowledge of the topic, with mini reflections to test your progress. Recommended for staff who w...

    Read More

    This course has a lot information, the examples and the you-tube clips really supported its delivery. The course was delivered at the rate of your own knowledge of the topic, with mini reflections to test your progress. Recommended for staff who work with students of all ages, in a pastoral setting.

    Read Less

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Test your knowledge of attachment patterns - Free trial
  • 2
    Before you begin
    • Before you begin
  • 3
    Module 1 - Quiz
    • Quiz
  • 4
    Module 2 - Questions 1-5
    • Module 2 - Questions 1-5
  • 5
    Module 3 -Questions 6-10
    • Module 3 - Questions 6-10
  • 6
    Module 4 - Questions 11-15
    • Module 4 - Questions 11-15
  • 7
    Module 5 - Questions 16-20
    • Module 5 - Questions 16-20
  • 8
    Module 6 - Questions 21-25
    • Module 6 - Questions 21-25
  • 9
    • Resources
  • 10
    Keep on learning
    • You may also be interested in...
  • 11
    Before you go...
    • A quick survey

Pricing options

Other options

  • £48.00

    £48.00Understanding and working with different attachment styles - Modules 1-3 only (£48 incl UK VAT)

    You can purchase modules 1-3 on their own and add-on modules 4-6 at a later date
    Buy Now

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