Course description

Loss of so many kinds plays a huge part in the lives of young asylum seekers.  This module addresses what is known as ambiguous loss, a term first coined by psychologist Pauline Boss, where a loss is characterised and made more complex by uncertainty. 

You will have continual access to this course for 12 full months.

All our online courses and APPS are available in bulk, please contact [email protected]


By taking this online course, you will:

  • Learn what is meant by ambiguous loss and its relevance in working with children seeking asylum

  • Explore their own experience of ambiguous loss, in order to better understand what can help those going through it

  • Understand the 6 core principles of supporting children and adults through ambiguous loss


  • Andrea Perry

    Andrea Perry

    Andrea Perry is an integrative psychotherapist, consultant and trainer specialising in attachment, loss and trauma, a former Chair of the British Association of Dramatherapists and Chair of Conference at the Centre for Child Mental Health. She has written three books on procrastination and claustrophobia, and edited many titles on attachment especially within the schools context. She has worked for the International Family Tracing Service of the British Red Cross, and is also involved with RefugeeTales (Gatwick Detainee Welfare Group) and other services for asylum seekers and refugees.

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