Webinar description

A very special CourseWeDo webinar with Dr Dan Hughes and colleagues from Family Futures.

Family Futures has been working with and supporting adoptive, foster, and special guardian families for over 20 years, developing an expertise in working with children and young people who have experienced significant trauma. For nearly all this time, Family Futures has had a long standing relationship with child and adolescent psychologist Dr Daniel Hughes, from their first meeting with him in Boston USA in 2000 to our first inviting him to come to the UK to present and offers his trainings to British professionals and parents.

Together, Family Futures and Daniel Hughes have developed best practice in what helps traumatised children heal, recognising the vital importance of regulation and attunement. Trauma in infancy leads to dysregulation of feeling states so helping children being more regulated is a vital to parenting, and indeed, learning in school.  

Alongside this, the formation of secure attachments in infancy is crucial as it becomes the cornerstone for all of life’s interpersonal interactions. Calming the body and regulating the nervous system is essential for children who have experienced trauma and their families, whatever therapy approach is being offered, and whatever the setting for learning.

Family Futures specialises in integrating sensory, somatic and body-based approaches into all aspects of therapy; ideas from their practice can also be integrated into school and home life. This work is the essential foundation which is required to enable both children and adults to find an internal sense of calm so that they can begin to access their feelings and make sense of their experiences. It is the body to body, nervous system to nervous system interaction that is key!  

Family Futures newsletter contains information, resources and training updates and is sent to subscribers monthly. Sign up to receive the Family Futures newsletter here

If you would like to donate to Family Futures' Forever Home go to https://www.familyfutures.co.uk/donate/

Social proof: testimonials

“Just brilliant. Both Jay and Dan's presentations were both fantastic. Jay's soothing tones to get us all noticing at the start of the webinar was just brilliant and set up both the body and brain for some fantastic learning. Thanks so much”

“Thank you really helped me to understand more and to examine my language and his body communication. I hope there will be more.”

“These webinars are perfectly pitched to offer a supportive and educational space both professionally as a therapist and personally as a parent - thank you!”

“Fantastic session, inspirational and motivating, thank you to all who made it happen.”

“I’ve written *pages* of notes, and will definitely watch this again - SO much to take on board thank you”

“Thank you for such an interesting and eye opening session, not only as an early years trustee but also as a parent”

“Thank you so much! Such an inspirational webinar”

“Really useful webinar has been the highlight of my day, thank you”

“this has been brilliant ,my first of many, thankyou”
