Webinar description

A unique opportunity to listen to Dr Heather Geddes who has spent her working life enabling children and young people settle to learn, especially those whose attachment difficulties and experience of extremely difficult early lives first moved her to focus on their predicament and challenges.

Dr Geddes is the author of the classic book, 
Attachment in the Classroom, first published in 2006, widely respected as the book that first made explicit the critical connections between a child's earliest experiences of attachment, and how they are - or are not - able to relate to teacher and task in school, through her simple but iconic Learning Triangle. At a time when some in education were saying, 'This attachment stuff is great - but what do we DO about it?' - she indicated the path to follow - how to use task to create, develop and balance the need for relationship, fundamental to our capacity to be open to and fully engage in learning.

With special guests Dr Elaine Arnold and Lyndsey Daniels from Caspari Foundation.

Social proof: testimonials

“It was wonderful to hear Dr. Geddes speaking from her experiences and fascinating to listen to Dr. Arnold reflect on her background. Really worthwhile to have a refresher on the Learning Triangle theory too!”

“It was so interesting listening to the ladies speaking about their lives and how they developed their interest. I could have listened for so much longer!”

“Thank you. This webinar was amazing. ⭐️ Many thanks”

“Thank you so much you have all been so inspiring. I realise I have alot to learn regarding attachment will never stop learning - so vital. This has been really insightful and I have taken so much away from each and every one of you I can't thank you enough”

“This has been a wonderful experience to be in the company of such wise women - thank you so much!”

“Thank you for such an interesting and eye opening session, not only as an early years trustee but also as a parent”

“Thank you for such an informative session. Your book has been such an influence on my practice and how I support schools”

“Thank you for the original book Heather, and all the examples from all panellists today, making the topic so accessible.”

“Thank you very much, so insightful and so much to take away”

“Thank you so much to all the speakers and to Worth for organising the session - such a fascinating discussion! Please let me know about future webinars.”